Student Organizations | Methodist College

Student Organizations

  • Student organizations must register EVERY YEAR with the Vice Chancellor of Operations.

  • Funding for the academic year will need to be approved and is at the discretion of the Vice Chancellor of Operations. 
  • The name of your organization must be completely written out, with no abbreviations or acronyms. However, please do  include the acronym (if applicable) corresponding to your organization.
  • All organizations must have a Methodist-employed staff member as an advisor.
  • All new organizations must submit a constitution and bylaws before they will be registered. If they are affiliated with a regional or national organization, they must submit its constitution and bylaws as well.
  • A sample constitution and bylaws are available HERE.
  • Organizations must comply with local, state, and federal regulations governing discrimination based on gender, ethnicity, physical ability, and sexual orientation.

Organizations can receive space on Methodist College's server to establish a homepage, which can then be linked to the Methodist College website. Contact the Director of Operations at
 for more information. 

Student Organization Registration Instructions

Complete the Student Organization Request Form. Fill in all of the blanks on this form except for the "signature" lines.

Print the completed registration form and obtain all of the necessary signatures. Please note that forms will not be accepted without the signature of the president or advisor.