Academic Advising
New Students
Arts & Sciences Majors
Program chairs will provide academic advising for continuing students in the following programs:
Bachelor of Social Work - Mr. Corey Campbell
Health Science - Dr. Amber Schappaugh
Medical Assistant Certificate - Dr. Amber Schappaugh
Nursing Majors
Bachelor of Nursing (Prelicensure, Prelicensure Accelerated, Second Degree, LPN to BSN) - Dr. Octavion Gabor
MSN Program - Dr. Theresa Schwindenhammer
RN-BSN Program - Mrs. Shelley Riney
Contact For Assistance
Mission of Academic Advising
The mission of the advising program at Methodist College is to empower students to become self-directed learners and decision makers who will develop and implement sound educational and career plans consistent with their personal values, goals and career aspirations in healthcare. Collaborative relationships between students, advisors and faculty mentors will assist students in the successful transition to college life and develop students' appreciation for the academic community to which they belong.
The Academic Advising Program is offered to all new and continuing students. The Academic Advising Program is administered by Student Affairs under the direction of the Director of Academic Advising. The advising model approaches advising from the perspective of learning outcomes and educates students about their programs so that they are responsible for scheduling, progression monitoring, and graduation planning. All new students will have a one-on-one advising and registration meeting with the Director of Academic Advising before new student orientation. The Director of Academic Advising provides support to all students and faculty. As nursing students progress in their education, nursing faculty mentors provide career and content based advising support, while schedule and course advising support will be available through the Director of Academic Advising.