Methodist College | Peoria, IL

Methodist College Guidance on Student Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Faculty have the discretion to define how, if, and when generative AI may be used in their courses. However, all courses at Methodist College must provide the standard that any unauthorized use of generative AI is a form of academic dishonesty.

All syllabi must include an AI policy, drafted by the instructor of the class

All instructors should update their syllabi to include guidance on the use of generative AI in their class. Faculty are encouraged to thoughtfully consider their stance on AI use, depending on the general stance in their own field. In the rapidly changing AI market and taking into consideration the variety of uses of AI tools in various disciplines, standardized, 'one-size-fits-all' AI policies are not sustainable in the long term. They may also not account for the varying stances instructors will take regarding AI use in their classrooms and the varying adaptations of AI use in the various disciplines taught at the College. Being specific about how AI is or isn't allowed makes the rules clear for students and faculty if there are academic integrity violations as well.