Methodist College | Peoria, IL
Methodist College

Medical Withdrawal Policy

A medical withdrawal is appropriate when, by recommendation of a licensed health care provider, a student cannot continue enrollment in all his/her courses because of a serious physical and/or psychological condition. In extraordinary situations, where it can be clearly demonstrated that an incomplete or failing grade in the class at the time of withdrawal is directly related to the severe medical or mental condition, a student may request a withdrawal without grade penalty. The request for withdrawal from all courses without grade penalty must be approved by the Dean of Academic Affairs.

Procedure for Requesting a Medical Withdrawal

  1. The student submits a signed letter or email requesting a medical withdrawal that outlines the medical condition and details how the condition has interfered with the student's ability to be successful as a student including what proactive steps have been taken or intended for addressing the condition.  
  2. The student contacts their licensed medical healthcare provider and requests a letter, signed, and dated on letterhead stipulating the student is experiencing a medical issue that would significantly impair the student's academic performance. The letter should include a statement recommending the student withdraws from all coursework and, the anticipated duration of the medical issue (i.e., when the student is expected to be able to return to his/her studies).  It is the student's responsibility to follow up with their healthcare provider regarding the submission of the letter to the College, this is a required document.
  3. The student downloads the Medical Withdraw form from the Methodist College website or obtains a paper copy from the Student Welcome Window and completes the form.
  4. The student schedules a meeting with the Financial Aid Office and obtains their signature on the form.  
  5. The student schedules a meeting with the Office of Records Management and Registration and submits the paperwork and form.  
  6. The Office of Records Management and Registration will:Verify the date of the medical withdraw and withdraw the student from the coursework indicated on the form.Notify the faculty of the student's withdrawal from coursework.
  7. Upon receipt of the required paperwork listed above, the request will be reviewed by the Dean of Academic Affairs.  Medical withdrawals can be approved for all classes after the term has ended. In such cases, "W" grades will remain on the student's transcript.

Additional Information on Medical Withdraw

The College may request additional information which may include:

  • A clarification letter from the licensed health care provider.
  • Request from the student to allow the Dean of Academic Affairs to contact the student's health care provider to consult on the student's health matter.  If such consultation is believed to be reasonable and necessary, the student must complete any documentation required by the health care provider necessary to allow a temporary waiver of HIPPA privacy rights in relation to the Dean of Academic Affairs.  
  • The student may be asked to complete and sign the Institutional Withdrawal form. (Required only if the expected duration of the medical condition will exceed 180 days from the date of diagnosis.)

Financial Aid and Medical Withdrawal

Regulations regarding the repayment of financial aid funds may mean students who withdraw might owe a repayment of the funds they received, even if approved for a medical withdrawal. This repayment is above and beyond the amount that is refunded in tuition and fees. The amount owed is based on the last date the student attended class. If the student has attended at least 60% of the term, they are not likely to owe a repayment. Refunds, however, will not be approved if the request is submitted more than two months after the term has ended.

Students receiving financial aid, veterans, and other students who are participating in special aid or support programs should check with the Financial Aid Office to determine if withdrawing from classes will result in possible eligibility issues and/or a necessary repayment of funds.