Leaves of Absence

Leaves of Absence

A student may request a Leave of Absence (LOA). The LOA is meant to be a short-term break in a student's studies when extenuating circumstances, personal or medical, make continuing studies difficult.

 The student who requests a Leave of Absence must be making satisfactory progress in all coursework and be in Good Academic Standing. Students who are on Academic Probation with the College are not eligible to take a leave of absence. 

 Leaves of absence are granted for 180 days after the day that the Leave was requested. This means that to maintain active student status, individuals must be enrolled in courses no later than 180 days after the request is made. Students who do not return by that time will be administratively withdrawn from the College. 


  1.  Students requesting a leave of absence will need to download the Leave of Absence form.   
  2. Students will then meet with financial aid and obtain their signature.
  3. Following the meeting with financial aid, one of the following paths need to be taken:
    1. If the leave is being requested before the last day to withdraw and the student is wishing to withdraw from all courses, a drop/withdrawal form will need to be completed and submitted with the leave of absence form.
    2. If the leave is being requested after the last day to withdraw, the leave of absence form will be processed following submission of all final grades. The effective date of the leave will be the same as the official last date of the term.
  1. Once financial aid signatures have been obtained, the student will meet with the Registrar's Office.
    1. The Registrar's Office will confirm that the student is eligible for a Leave of Absence.
    2. The Registrar's Office will verify the start date of the LOA and the last day to return from the LOA.       
  1. After that meeting, the LOA paperwork will be processed by the Registrar's Office. When a student is ready to return, the student must contact the Registrar's Office via the registrar@methodistcol.edu email address.
  2. All steps in the LOA process must be completed by either:
  1. The last day to drop classes for a given term as noted in the academic calendar or
  2. At the same time that the student withdraws from the entirety of the term's course load.
Students who do not complete their Leave paperwork within these guidelines will be recorded as administratively withdrawn from the College.